This model simulates the Earth revolving around the Sun, and the Moon revolving around the Earth.
import { Model, Agent, Timer } from ""; import { Geometry } from ""; import { Circle } from ""; const model = new Model({ width: 100, height: 100, scale: 5 }); const timer = new Timer(step, 16); let sun; let earth; let moon; class Planet extends Agent { constructor(properties = {}) { super(properties); this.centerX = properties.centerX || 0; this.centerY = properties.centerY || 0; this.angle = properties.angle || 0; this.distance = properties.distance || 0; this.speed = properties.speed || 0; } updatePosition() { const angleInRadians = Geometry.convertDegreesToRadians(this.angle); this.x = this.centerX + Math.sin(angleInRadians) * this.distance; this.y = this.centerY + Math.cos(angleInRadians) * this.distance; } } function setup() { model.clearDrawing(); model.clearAgents(); sun = new Agent({ label: "Sun", x: model.centerX, y: model.centerY, size: 10, color: "yellow", shape: Circle }); earth = new Planet({ label: "Earth", centerX: model.centerX, centerY: model.centerY, size: 2, color: "royalblue", shape: Circle, distance: 30, speed: 1 }); earth.updatePosition(); moon = new Planet({ label: "Moon", centerX: earth.x, centerY: earth.y, size: 1, color: "lightgray", shape: Circle, distance: 3, speed: 5 }); moon.updatePosition(); model.addAgent(sun); model.addAgent(earth); model.addAgent(moon); } function step() { earth.angle += earth.speed; earth.updatePosition(); moon.centerX = earth.x; moon.centerY = earth.y; moon.angle += moon.speed; moon.updatePosition(); } document.getElementById("setup").addEventListener("click", () => setup()); document.getElementById("start").addEventListener("click", () => timer.start()); document.getElementById("stop").addEventListener("click", () => timer.stop());