Model Class
import { Model } from "";
new Model(properties: object)
Creates a new Model, sets its initial properties from the given object, and inserts it into the document
const model = new Model({ width: 100, height: 100, scale: 5 });
When creating a new Model, it will be automatically inserted into the end of the document. If you want to insert your Model to another element, pass the reference to the desired parent element in parentElement
field of the properties
model.width: number
The width of the Model in Fields
Default: 100
model.height: number
The height of the Model in Fields
Default: 100
model.scale: number
The zoom level of the Model, the size of Fields in pixels
Default: 5
model.fields: array (read-only)
The array of Fields of the Model in row-major order
model.agents: array (read-only)
The array of Agents of the Model in the order they were added
model.centerX: number (read-only)
The X coordinate of the center of the Model
model.centerY: number (read-only)
The Y coordinate of the center of the Model object (read-only)
The coordinates of the center of the Model in { x, y } format
model.randomX: number (read-only)
A random X coordinate of the Model
model.randomY: number (read-only)
A random Y coordinate of the Model
model.randomFieldX: number (read-only)
The X coordinate of a random Field of the Model
model.randomFieldY: number (read-only)
The Y coordinate of a random Field of the Model
model.randomField: Field (read-only)
A random Field of the Model
model.randomAgent: Agent (read-only)
A random Agent of the Model
Forces the Model to re-render
model.addAgent(agent: Agent)
Adds an Agent to the Model
model.removeAgent(agent: Agent)
Removes an Agent from the Model
Clears all drawings from the Model
Removes all Agents from the Model