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Canvas Class

import { Canvas } from "";


new Canvas(properties: object)

Creates a new Canvas, sets its initial properties from the given object, and inserts it into the document


const canvas = new Canvas({ width: 500, height: 500 });

When creating a new Canvas, it will be automatically inserted into the end of the document. If you want to insert your Canvas to another element, pass the reference to the desired parent element in parentElement field of the properties argument.


canvas.width: number

The width of the Canvas in pixels
Default: 3000

canvas.height: number

The height of the Canvas in pixels Default: 200

canvas.isAutoSized: boolean

If true, the Canvas will automatically resize itself to fit its parent element
Default: false


agent.resize(width: number, height: number)

Resizes the Canvas to the given dimensions in pixels, if called, it will automatically set the isAutoSized property to `false


Clears all drawings from the entire Canvas

For additional properties and methods of the Canvas, please refer to the documentation of the CanvasRenderingContext2D and CanvasHTMLElement classes.