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Agent Class

import { Agent } from "";


new Agent(properties: object)

Creates a new Agent, and sets its initial properties from the given object


const agent = new Agent({ x: 10, y: 10 });


agent.x: number

The X coordinate of the Agent
Default: 0

agent.fieldX: number (read-only)

The X coordinate of the Field that the Agent is on
Default: 0

agent.y: number

The Y coordinate of the Agent
Default: 0

agent.fieldY: number (read-only)

The Y coordinate of the Field that the Agent is on
Default: 0

agent.heading: number

The heading the Agent is facing in degrees, 0 meaning “facing up”
Default: 0

agent.size: number

The size (scaling factor) of the Agent, must be positive
Default: 1

agent.color: string

The fill color of the Agent, must be a valid CSS color
Default: "white"

agent.penColor: string

The color of the line the Agent uses to draw its path, must be a valid CSS color
Default: "white"

agent.penWidth: string

The width of the line the Agent uses to draw its path, must be positive
Default: 2

agent.isPenDown: boolean (read-only)

Returns whether the Agent will draw its path when it moves
Default: false

agent.label: String

The label that gets displayed above the Agent
Default: ""

agent.shape: Shape

Reference to the Shape class that defines the shape of the Agent
Default: Arrow

agent.model: Model (read-only)

Reference to the Model that contains the Agent, null otherwise
Default: null


agent.forward(amount: number)

Moves the Agent forward with the given amount in the direction it is facing

agent.back(amount: number)

Moves the Agent back with the given amount in the opposite direction it is facing

agent.left(amount: number)

Turns the facing of the Agent left (counter-clockwise) with the given amount of degrees

agent.right(amount: number)

Turns the facing of the Agent right (clockwise) with the given amount of degrees

agent.face(target: Agent | Field)

Turns the facing of the Agent right (clockwise) with the given amount of degrees


Puts the pen down, the Agent will draw its path when it moves


Picks the pen up, the Agent will no longer draw its path when it moves